Thursday, March 24, 2011

Oracle to Itanium...So long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, goodbye

Oracle has joined RedHat and Microsoft in discontinuing software development for Intel's Itanium processor.

Is this the final nail in the coffin for Itanium?  It has battled and survived in a market longer than I first thought they would many years ago.

The processor industry is accustomed to leap-frogging competitors, and the death of a processor is rarely ever laid at the feet of another processor despite the numerous predictions of doom.  (See AMD/Intel)

But a number of processors have gone the way of the dodo due to lack of ISV development.  No Apps = No customers.

Thanks for playing Itanium.

The other interesting aspect to this announcement is the escalation of the feud between HP and Oracle after Oracle had snagged Mark Hurd.  No love lost between these two companies at the moment...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

1st Time...

A leader in technology resale, Soccour Solutions entered the 2011 You can't say that Soccour isn't on the cutting edge!    :-)

SoccourBlue is to primarily be a technical resource for our colleagues, both customers and partners, with a dash of non-nerdy stuff from time-to-time.

Over the years we have found that our take on IT infrastructure resonates with our customers.  I think Jason Fried of 37signals said it best, "It's simple until you make it complicated."

Complexity in your IT environment = downtime.  Period.

Does that mean that Soccour can make an SAP implementation simple?

What it does mean is that Soccour is experienced in making the infrastructure that SAP is implemented upon simple.

It's this commitment to keeping technology simple while providing performance and availability that is the catalyst in growing Soccour into a trusted and successful partner over the ten years since we came into existence.

We look forward to sharing ideas on SoccourBlue that hopefully achieve our primary goal at Soccour, simply to help.